Essentials of Textual Content

An excerpt from the Terms of Uploading Content and Behaviour here.
  1. Do not offend, and do not provoke quarrels and conflicts. This includes, but is not limited to, personal attacks, foul language or insults to dignity, reputation, sexual orientation, race or religion.
  2. Strict prohibition of hate speech using words or symbols. Do not use words or symbols that incite violence or aggression, such as threats of bodily harm, theft or vandalism.
  3. Do not address or encourage topics that are objectionable or prohibited by law. This is mainly about sex with minors, sex with animals, blood, drugs or extreme violence. All these topics are strictly prohibited.
  4. No illegal or regulated goods. Everything that is prohibited by the State Institute for Drug Control or similar institutions, or is directly prohibited by law.
  5. No linking to other websites and brands. These are web addresses and brands different from
  6. Be yourself - don't give false information. Fraudulent and other content that aims to mislead other users will be removed immediately upon detection and its author will be punished.
  7. No contact details. This is a phone, email, social media profile or anything else that could reveal your or anyone else's identity. It does not apply to places that are expressly intended to provide a contact.
  8. Do not infringe copyright - only upload content for which you have permission. All content, including textual content, is protected by copyright law; publishing such content without permission or citation exposes you to liability for damages.
  9. Do not create lists of undesirable persons, so-called blacklists. If someone bothers you, report such a person to the admins via reporting or contact us.
  10. Do not spam, do not wallpaper. Repeated text, emoticons or symbols are considered undesirable as they disrupt the flow of the conversation and annoy other users - don't do it.

By following these rules, you contribute to the safety of the community and its users. Thank you for following these rules.