
Couple woman & man
Couple woman & woman
Couple man & man
Purpose of search:
photo shooting

User videos (1)

Personal information

Age: 44 years
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Sexual orientation: bi
Marital status: single
Eye colour: blue
Hair colour: blond
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 79 kg

Dating Ads (1)

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Sex hobbies and interests

anal sex
oral sex
sex in public
sexy lingerie
high heels

Personal description

Hello, I'm a vibrant, blonde bombshell with mesmerizing blue eyes, hailing from the sultry South. As a proud and luscious MILF, I embody the essence of a Southern belle with a kinky twist. My days are spent sipping mimosas, letting the bubbly sweetness tantalize my taste buds, while I lose myself in the edgy beats of my favorite artists like MGK, LiL PEEP, SUECO, and Dying in Designer. My style is a unique blend of vivacious and alluring, perfect for those who appreciate the finer, wilder things in life. I'm not in the market for a relationship, but I am excited to make new friends and share unforgettable moments. Join me in my adventures, and let's explore the boundaries of pleasure and fun together!


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